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Dates for your diary this Autumn

Oct 1, 2024, 23:00 by User Not Found
A number of pension-related campaigns are taking place this autumn with the aim to encourage pension savers to take care of their retirement income.

A number of pension-related campaigns are taking place this autumn with the aim to encourage pension savers to take care of their retirement income.

Tap into the free services and resources available to get in the driving seat of your retirement planning.

National Free Wills Month - October

Following the Pension Awareness live shows that took place in September ( the shows can be watched on catch-up), October brings with it the opportunity to have a will drafted for free for those aged 55 or over.

Led by a group of charities, the campaign aims to support people with ensuring their wishes are legally recorded. This is important because, if you don’t make a will, the law will decide who inherits what from your estate, which may not match your wishes. 

Visit and type in your postcode to find solicitors who are taking part in the campaign in your local area. You can then book an appointment with a solicitor of your choice directly through the website. 

It’s important to remember that your will does not cover any death benefits payable from your Amey pension. You should separately update your Expression of Wish form to say where you’d like any lump sum death benefit payments from your pension to go if you die before you claim them.

National Pension Tracing Day – 27 October

National Pension Tracing Day is back for another year and will take place on Sunday, 27 October. The campaign urges the nation to track down any old or lost pensions.

Research shows 1 in 20 people have a lost pension and over 26.6 billion pounds are lost in misplaced pensions, which divides roughly into 2.8 million pension pots, worth an average of £9,500.

Finding a lost pension pot could make a huge difference to your life after work. It means more money to spend on all the things you want to do in retirement.

To trace a lost pension pot, follow these simple steps:

Step 1

List all places you’ve worked at over your lifetime

Step 2

Go through old paperwork and see if you have any pension statements from previous employers

Step 3

Identify any gaps. If you feel like you’re missing something, contact previous employers to find out if you had a pension you might not be aware of

Step 4

Use the free Pension Tracing Service provided by the government.

There’s some useful information  on the National Pension Tracing Day website.

Talk Money Week – 4-8 November

4-8 November is Talk Money Week – an awareness campaign designed to get us all talking more about the pennies in your pocket, your thoughts and feelings around money, and how and where to get help if and when you need it.

Research tells us that money worries can affect our mental wellbeing and our ability to manage our finances. So, it’s important to reach out for help if we need it.

It’s also important to introduce children and young people to the concept of handling money early on. Children’s attitudes about money are well developed by age 7. So, it’s never too early to start building their understanding of financial matters. This would help them gain the financial skills, knowledge and confidence needed to be able to make sound financial decisions and to thrive as adults.

It’s proven that people who talk about money:

  • make better and less risky financial decisions
  • have stronger personal relationships
  • help their children form good lifetime money habits
  • feel less stressed or anxious and more in control

Find out more about the campaign here


Matt Riley


Matt joined Zedra Governance Limited (formerly PTL) in January 2008 having previously worked for Mercer Limited, Hazell Carr and Prudential.

As a Manager for the company's Birmingham Office, Matt’s responsibilities include working closely with Client Directors and individually liaising with Employers, Trustees and Members to ensure the smooth running of their pension schemes. Matt’s current portfolio of clients covers ongoing, paid-up and winding-up schemes. In addition, Matt has experience of schemes that have transferred or are in the process of transferring to the Pension Protection Fund and Financial Assistance Scheme. Matt also works closely with clients in relation to risk registers and internal controls.
Matt particularly enjoys resolving issues in a fair and pragmatic way ensuring that the right result is reached for the member or employer.

Sam Burden

Client Director

Sam Burden joined Zedra Governance (formerly PTL) in 2022. He is an Accredited Professional Pension Trustee (AMAPPT) and an Associate of the Pensions Management Institute (APMI)

Sam has more than 25 years’ experience in the pensions industry gained with WTW, KPMG, and Standard Life working with a wide range of pension schemes and sponsoring employers. His trustee appointments include DB, DC and hybrid pension schemes and he has experience of handling a broad range of projects relating to the management of pension schemes. 

Beyond his pensions experience Sam is a former Birmingham City Councillor where he chaired the audit committee and a current charity trustee.

Payam Kazemian

Client Director

Payam Kazemian joined Zedra Governance Limited (formerly PTL Governance Limited) in 2021. He is an Accredited Professional Pension Trustee (AMAPPT) and an Associate of the Pensions Management Institute (APMI).

Payam has more than 17 years of experience in the pensions industry. Through his current role as a professional trustee, as well as previously as a pension’s de-risking and investment structuring expert at financial institutions including Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank, he has had overall responsibility for creating investment, de-risking, journey planning, and governance solutions for a wide range of UK DB pension schemes. He currently holds a number of board positions (as Chair of Trustees) and sole trustee in his professional trustee capacity. Payam has been involved with a number of pensions projects including pensions buy-in, pensions buy-out, GMP equalisation, investment strategy reviews, and dialogue with the pensions regulator. Payam looks to create and believes in a collaborative relationship between the sponsor, the trustee, and all other parties involved as this results in best member outcomes and helps deliver pragmatic solutions for scheme. Aside from his pensions experience, Payam holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Cambridge.

  • Get in touch
  • 0345 112 0025
  • Amey OS Pension Scheme
    PO Box 193
    DL1 9FP