A warm welcome to your Amey OS Pension Scheme website
It’s never too early to start planning for your future, no matter how near or far your retirement may be.
You can use the tools and information on this website to help you understand more about your membership and the benefits and options available to you.
You can download forms, use handy calculators, check out the latest Scheme and pensions news, and find the answers to common questions.
You will be a member of one of the following sections of the Amey OS Pension Scheme:
The Amey section. This is only open to members where the company decides they qualify as part of TUPE transfers. The Accord section. This is also only open to members where the company decides they qualify as part of TUPE transfers. The APS section. This is no longer open to new entrants but includes deferred and pension-in-service members.
If you are not sure which section you belong to, please contact amey@railpen.com
We hope you’ll find all the information you need to support you on your journey to retirement.
This website is provided by the Amey OS Pension Scheme Trustee.