Scheme documents

You’ve already taken a great step towards preparing for your retirement by joining the Scheme. However, it’s important that you understand how it works to make sure you’re getting the most from your membership.
The documents below will help your learn more about the Scheme, including how your benefits are funded, how the assets are invested, and your pension entitlement set out in the Scheme Rules.

Statement of Investment Principles
The principles governing decisions about the investment of the assets of Amey OS Pension Scheme.

Implementation Statement
The Implementation Statement shows how the Scheme has followed the policy on voting, stewardship and engagement, as set out in the Scheme's Statement of Investment Principles (SIP).

Summary Funding Statements
A Summary Funding Statement (SFS) tells you the financial position of your Section at the time of its actuarial valuation or annual funding update.
You can find a copy of the SFS' in your
 member newsletters.

Annual Accounts
Key statistics on the assets, liabilities, membership and investments of the Amey OS Pension Scheme.

Internal Disputes Resolution Procedure
Find out what to do if you need to make a complaint.

Protect your pension

Fraudsters could be after your pension savings! Make sure you know the warning signs and report any suspicious activity.

Learn more
  • Get in touch
  • 0345 112 0025
  • Amey OS Pension Scheme
    PO Box 193
    DL1 9FP